
After sixteen years in government service, including being a police officer, Special Agent with the FBI, and direction of a multi-state agency, I went into private practice. The first years of professional acivity in the private sector were dedicated mostly to civil investigation. Decades of investigative work have led to the last ten years bringing an emphasis to business liaison, especially in foreign countries.  As a fluent Spanish speaker, the majority of investigation and liaison in foreign countries has been in Latin America, however travel and contacts include the Middle East and China.  I am able to aid individuals and businesses in making effective contacts and establishing meaningful relationships through knowing the systems and the individuals who make those systems work.  I have received awards for investigation, for a television documentary; published five books about my business and travel life; testified before multiple governmental agencies and hearings, including the U.S. Congress, and appeard on 60 Minutes with Mike Wallace.

If you would like to read a more complete summary, please click here to review my resume.    ERE Résumé 1

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